Thursday, March 31, 2016

The image you are seeing here is a view of the city of Arequipa/AQP in the southern-most part of Peru.  While AQP is the second largest city in the country it is still very provincial and quaint with a grand plaza and also some streets that are wide enough for ox carts but not vehicles meeting each other.

Kathy and I had the privilege of living and serving here during our first term as missionaries and still refer to it as our favorite place to live.  Spring time year round and a wonderful atmosphere for families.

It will be the site of where a team of hikers from the U.S. and Peru will be setting out from to spend 7-8 days trekking through several distant villages in the province of Castilla.  Our task will be to gather demographic information while testing the receptivity of the locals to the Gospel.
Join us in prayer as we prepare for this great adventure and opportunity!  More later...